Subject: COOL ALERT SND Author: Jester470 Uploaded By: Jester470 Date: 7/11/1997 File: Buzz.7.sit (2660 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 469 Equipment: Mac sys. 7 or later Needs: MacOS 7.x/Sound Playing App/AOL 2.x-3.0 Keywords: alert buzz annoying nerves ** LIBRARY: MMS/Sound Sample Libraries/Miscellaneous Samples ----------------------- This is a cool sound that I made that sounds like an annoying buzz. It is short so it won't get on your nerves. It is a quick download and I think it is worth it. E-Mail me at Jester470 and tell me what you think. :-) Sample Quality: ** --------------------- Macintosh Music & Sound Forum Go Keyword: MMS This file checked for viruses with Virex 5.6 from Datawatch. (CK)